Tuesday, February 20, 2007


So last Saturday included a real going out session. I had lotsa fun. First I ran into a friend of a friend, who was there with her boyfriend and another guy. Another guy turned out to be quite a dancer, so was burning calories big time on the dance floor. Fun, fun, fun. Since I wasn't in the mood to leave with them (going for a kebab they were...who needs kebab when you can dance?) I stayed. To be approached by Indian man. Politely declined going for another drink with him, but chatted for a while and he was ok. Sorta. Then decided to pop into another place before going home, only to run into the three again. But they were just leaving, so thought I'd go home. When the ex turned up unexpectedly. Ah well, was in a good mood so decided to have a beer with him. Which turned into two. And the rest you don't wanna know :)


Anonymous said...


Was flatmate out? (grin, grin)

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Flatmate has a very deep sleep...or so he says ;)

Anonymous said...


He must be sooo polite:-)

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

I prefer not to think about it ;)