Saturday, March 31, 2007
Eventually I managed to hook up with Aussie-girl. Sent her an sms this evening, she responded that she was awake just the minute I got home. So we just spent some time on the phone.
She has acquired an Aussie accent. Not that she didn't have one before, but now it's really accentuated. Guess the reason is that she's back down-under :)
Told her about the weather here, snow/rain/sun once in a while. Where she is they have water problems. Lack of it. Can only water the lawn twice a week, and then only between certain hours. "If they think I'm gonna get outta bed to water my lawn at 5 am they have to think again" I remember her saying.
Tomorrow (read today) I'm gonna enjoy a really long shower :)...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Cunning bastard
Couldn't believe how cunning it was. I LOVE that white sofa. Am I going to ruin it for a shitty bug? I don't think so. Guess my love is stronger than my hate. And I'm afraid to try and push it, then it'll fly and that is scarier than anything else...
A friend of mine is going away for the weekend. He stopped by very briefly to borrow a small suitcase. When I picked it out I realized it was very dusty which reminds me of two things. First, I don't travel much these days, and second, I need to have a chat with putz-Peter :)
Anyway, while here he stuck me a box of sliced pineapple (fresh) telling me that this is a great fat-burner. Didn't have a chance to ask why. Why is it that pineapple burns fat? Can that really be true? And more importantly, is icecream a fat-burner too :) ??
Was talking about the lovely service the other evening at that restaurant. Made me think of the service I get in my usual place. You see, there the highlight of the night is the staff trying to throw ice cubes down your cleavage.
However that same evening when I popped in on the way home, friendgirl managed to get an ice cube down the waiters pants. And he couldn't shake it out. Had to go to the bathroom. Realizing while I'm writing this, that is doesn't sound very funny. But after a few glasses then it really was :)
Feeling a tad better. Was lying in bed yesterday thinking where all this snot comes from. Currently it is coming out of my nose continuously, but where does it hide otherwise? I know, really weird thoughts. What does it contain? Do I really wanna know?
Slept the whole night without waking up from not being able to breathe. Progress. And I'm so bored being inside all the time, will have to get out in the sun today. At least for some food shopping. Really really want to go out tonight too. I know, it's not recommended but I WANT :)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Been sleeping on and off now for 2 days. Mostly I'm really frustrated since summer is on its way, and here I'm stuck. Feel very sorry for myself.
A while ago I dozed off again and had the nicest dream though. Saw myself driving a pink Ciao (is it a moped or a vespa?) in a shocking pink helmet. A few years ago I had the idea of actually buying one, but never got around to it.
But the dream made me think twice. It would be great for shopping and for going to the boat this summer. It can't hurt having a look at one, can it? Just need to find a shop that sells these things here in Z.
PS. Off for a shower now. I'm starting to stink :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Climate change
In my bedroom I have a changing climate. Sometimes tropical rainforest and other times siberian winter. Think I might have fever...
Woke up this morning with the mother of all colds, guess it's my punishment for enjoying yesterdays dinner so much :(
Now back to bed, I feel absolutely awful.
The service
Service was excellent. But human. At one point I needed to get my jacket from the wardrobe (am developing a cold and needed my would have looked really bad to blow ones nose into the sheet they provided covering as napkin :). The waitress pulled out my jacket amongst many and I was really impressed saying "did you remember?". No, she whispered back, "we have number plates on the jackets that corresponds to the table number". I laughed and said, "you shouldn't have told me".
We also had an incident with the only waitress who didn't speak good English. I wanted to make a reservation for this restaurant in August and thought why not do it already. So said in my best German (not very good as it turned out) that "ich planiere um zuruckzukommen in augusti". She looked startled and my so called friend laughed his head off. What I was trying to say was I plan to come back in August. Apparently there is a difference between planiere and planne. Planiere means to desctruct something and planne means plan.
Ok, so I don't wanna come back in August with a bulldozer...I wanna come back and eat :)
I really regret that I didn't take my camera with me, but what I did take was a piece of chocolate wrapped up. I actually think that is was there for people like me. Who want to bring a piece of the evening with them. This is it!
Gotta admit that I started to feel a bit full after the main course. Would like to think that my stomach has shrunk but apparently not enough. So after the main course we had a discussion with the waiter about dessert. They gave us the menu again, but since I couldn't be bothered to read all the German (main menu in English, but dessert menu not), I opted for the "surprise dessert". Besides their English menu had a few "spelling errors" like lamp instead of lamb but ok, I got the idea :)
When I had decided that I was going to have dessert, I really REALLY wanted it to be something with chocolate in it so I asked "what does the surprise dessert contain?". HAHA, stupid me. Wouldn't be a surprise if they told me, DDOOOHHH! Anyway, I hinted that schoggi may be a good idea and guess what? The surprise did contain a big piece of chocolate. Along with strings (how do they make this?) of chocolate, apricot mousse and some other stuff.
Don't wanna wear out the word yum but what can I say? Since I'll have to starve for several weeks to make up for this splash, I guess I have to dream about it...
Ah forgot about the bread. With the amuse bouche they served bread. Hot and crispy. And you know for me who hasn't had soft bread in more than a month I wanted to rip the whole tray out of their hands. With it they served salted butter, butter without salt and salt by itself. Butter served on ice. Which is in I know, but have you ever tried to put ice-cold butter on bread? Difficult to say the least. It sorta spreads in lumps. Never mind.
So I decided to go for it. After all, you don't go to a top class restaurant and then don't eat. So I had a small piece of white bread with sesame seed. And some salted butter. YUM! That went down like in 2 secs, so asked if I could have another piece. This time tomato bread. YUM again.
Decided that enough is enough. Until the waiter came around once more. Seems like I had no character whatsoever this evening and when he presented a bacon-bread I just couldn't resist. Don't want to say YUM once again, but will dream about the taste tonight.
Not to mention the small piece of bread with olives that came with one of the courses. No wonder I felt I had to walk home this evening! Have probably spoiled a whole month of dieting tonight...but if was worth it!
Ah, the food
How can I describe it? The food was absolutely delicious. I cannot think of anything I want to change. Ok, it was a bit of a surprise that they did not even have a proper menu. They had two sides (left and right) with courses. You could choose to do the left one, and surprisingly also the right one. But ok, the choice was four or six courses. And you could mix between the right and left (coming to think of it, something for politicians to think of).
You could choose to cut out one of the three starters and the cheese wagon (I know, not a tiny cheese plate, a whole friggin wagon full of it and my friend who chose the 6-course meal only opted for 4 small pieces. Had I gone for the 6-course meal I surely would have demanded a piece of everything!).
I chose the four-course meal (after all, I'm on a diet, HAHAHA).
After the amuse bouche it was something with salmon and crab. Then a lobster plate with something.
Main course was lamb. And I really must recommend this course to people without teeth. You didn't even have to chew. The meat melted in your mouth by itself.
And we haven't even gotten to the dessert yet. It deserves its own blog item.
Amuse bouche
Ok, I have to admit that ever since I started that meal I wanted so much to be like Samantha in Sex and the city.
Remember the gorgeous Smith who worked in the restaurant? And he came to present the menu and served them the amuse bouche? Samantha smiled and said to the other three girls: "I'd like him to amuse my bouche".
Only I wasn't in the restaurant with girls or even an attractive man, so I bit my tongue. Apart from that the waiter didn't look at all like Smith :)
If I thought I splashed out on food last Sunday, it was nothing compared to today. Wow is all I can say, and I'm pretty blasé when it comes to restaurants.
This was worldclass if you ask me. On top of Züriberg (a mountain) with a view of all of Zürich is a fairly new restaurant. (sorry but they don't have the website in English, but 90% of the staff do speak it fluently).
Had a four-course meal but unfortunately the menus aren't on display on their website, and f... if I can remember it all. You know it was one of these places where each course is described with at least three long sentences. But actually it was more than four courses, since they had in-between ones not on the menu. Ok, this is getting too long, will do more on next item.
Last thing first
Have so much to say this evening, but gotta tell you about my walking home first. Due to reasons you will read later I felt a need for exercise (very rare, very uncommon I know) so decided to walk home from town. ALL the way.
Anyway, when I was about halfway I saw a car sorta parked halfway on the pavement, halfway on a three-lane street with blinking lights. Not the sort of parking you do if you wanna pass your driving license test. Just when I passed a guy came out from the hotel across the street, walked to the car and I couldn't help myself but said (in English) "nice parking". He looked up, gave me a big smile and said thank you.
I continued to walk muttering to myself it was fucking irony moron...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The only time I need a car is for heavy shopping. Fortunately I have a good friend with a car who helps me out.
So Denner got a visit today, and to my great surprise it was half price on Prosecco. The one I usually buy for 'apero'. Excellent. 4.95 CHF per bottle. I got four boxes :) along with some other stuff.
So if you ever are invited to me for dinner, you know what to expect...
My mobile phone bill makes for interesting reading. I have during one month sms'd Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, Finland, UK, Australia and even sent a few within Switzerland. Guess that's what you get when you got friends all over the place. And good thing it's the same price for international sms's as domestic :)
I have seen so many young girls showing their bellies. I'm totally cool with that when they have the bodies to back it up. But when they look like me (ok, I prefer to call it life experience...and yeah ok, lotsa good food and drinks) they outta know better and cover it up.
It is SO not nice to see Goodyear saying hello between pants and top.
But I'm learning. People (read men, and some women for that matter :) do not see a make-over. They see sex. So why I am complaining?
18 cm
Ok, so for all of the men out there reading my blog (there's gotta be at least 2 :) this is the ideal length of a penis. Big enough but not too big. And we're talking erect, not hanging.
Apropos one of the many topics discussed tonight...
PS. Was looking at my note with stuff to blog about (I do this, so that I won't forget) and after 18 cm friendgirl made three exclamation marks. It is very scary to think that young friendgirl is more experienced than me...
Even though I recommend blogs once in a while I know you don't read them. So let me share a funny comment from the blog. He's talking about being trapped in a shower. One of the comments read: "gosh, richard! don't you take your mobile into the shower like normal people? ;) ".
Extremely funny for two reasons. First, I have a friendgirl who wouldn't be foreign to doing just that. Second the gosh thing. Since I was asked if that was an expression I actually use.
Since I felt bad about the baked potato with the sour cream (and yes, it did appear on my hips this morning) I decided to walk into town this evening. It's about 20 min so no big deal, it's just that I'm usually too lazy.
On the way I was going to post the letter saying thank you for inviting me (to the gay party)...and in friggin German...well sorta...since I know they will understand. Anyway, they've taken away the mailbox at the bus station so I thought I'd post it at Central (central place downtown Zürich).
Underway I saw a yellow box. Hey I thought, I don't have to carry it all the way. Then I saw the sign for dogs, and realized it was a box for dog poo. Laughed at myself.
Continued to walk but turned around again. Yes, it was actually a mailbox. Walked back and posted my letter.
Moral of the story? Always trust your instinct, but be aware of dog poo :)
Sexy hexy
Band tonight was playing a tune called "sexy hexy". Think it's supposed to mean a sexy witch. But when band pointed at me, I referred them to friendgirl. After all, friendgirl is dating one of the band members. And I know, they were just playing, but I couldn't deny that I was a tad flattered.
Sexy? Yes some men seem to think so. Hexy? Absofuckinglutely :)
Never again
Ok, I now have proof. People like me for my personality, not my looks. Which I suppose is a good thing :)
Since I did my hair on Saturday I have met two friendgirls who know me pretty well. The first one didn't even flinch when I mentioned my hairdresser in the conversation, only when I pointed out that I actually changed my hair-do did she agree she saw a difference (gee, thanks) and the other one only commented because she read the blog. Hmmm.
Ok, so I didn't cut it short, I didn't do a perm to make me look like a poodle (done that, seen it, didn't buy the t-shirt) but I did do a bit more blondie, cut it and blew it in a nice hair-do.
Tell me, why did I bother?
Checkpoint Helmut
Control on the bus going home this evening. I happen to think this is a good thing. Ze Swiss provide an excellent transportation service, and we who use it should pay for it. After all, it's cheap considering how often the buses/trams/trains/boats run.
I don't wanna be racist but the only ones who get caught every time are the rastafaris. Apart from that it's usually somebody you'd never guess would be free-riding. Somewhere inside my beancounter body it gives me pleasure.
Use a service and pay for it, it's a good motto. Or you get what you pay for is another one.
For the youngsters reading this I provide info: and hoping you'd get it :)
Monday, March 26, 2007
Modern world
Having talked about snail-mail earlier made me think of the reference letter. I finally did one which was a bit more "reasonable" :) than the one posted here earlier. But as it turned out I couldn't print it out. My printer is out of toner since forever (and I won't replace it anymore, it cost as much as buying a whole new printer and I use it for scanning only). Friends contacted didn't have printers either. It was Sunday and the last day friendgirl was in town.
Ok, so the idea is now for her to print it out at home. Send it in a paper envelope to me. I sign it and return it, also in an envelope since she needs the original.
Who said the world was digital?
So I rediscovered the only downside with sunshine. Just went to the balcony to retrieve a bottle of white. Definitely time to fill up the fridge again! Warm white wine...yuk! Good thing I have a contingency plan, ice in the freezer :). I will never be caught with my pants down. So to speak...or at least not when it comes to wine!
Spring feelings
Now that the spring is back in full blast I am getting spring feelings. Which puts me in a very difficult dilemma. Desperate housewives and Dr House versus going out. Oh dear, all these choices :)
But if I think like those series will surely rerun on telly, but this evening out will never come back. Yes, that's what I will do...going out. Hurray!
All time high
Read it an weep :)
Congratulations! You solved the Sudoku in 4 minutes, 8 seconds!
Evil puzzles solved:
Your average time:
Your fastest time:
Puzzles solved on this computer since 24 May 2006.
Gay party
Hurray. I'm invited to a housewarming at some gay friends. This is why I know it'll be both nice food and nice company in a clean and tidy environment :)
Even the invitation was sent in snail-mail. Which means that if I follow protocol I have to send a confirmation that I'll come the same way. Ah well, small nuisance for what I know will be a good party.
Spoke to a relative the other day. When I told him about my diet and that I never wanted to see myself looking like last summer, guess what he said? Buy a bigger boat.
A man's solution to a problem...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
So today I splashed out on food. Apart from that little slip with the Häagen-Dazs I haven't eaten anything "not allowed" in four weeks.
Today I had a hamburger (without the bread) and A WHOLE BAKED POTATO. And not only that, I had sour cream on the potato. Mmmm. It was delish.
Now I'm just hoping it won't appear on my hips tomorrow :)
PS. Have another splash planned already on Tuesday here:
New drink
Saw a new drink being made this evening (new to me, I'm sure not new-new). Take one glass, put one tiny bottle of Jägermeister in it. One of these with like 5 ml in it. Unscrew the cork. Then pour Red Bull on top of it. Serve. And I suppose drink.
I cannot think of anything worse to force down your throat, but each to his own I guess (and it must be a he since women would never).
Was told it is called "Flying deer". Which brought us into a discussion about deer. Deer is Bambi but the bartender was claiming raindeer which for me is Rudolf. In the end we agreed to disagree. I googled it and even dictionaries cannot find the difference, so there you have it. Not that it mattered to the people who were drinking it...
Pearls for swine
Not surprisingly the 8 (EIGHT!) men I met today who know me well did not mention my new hairstyle. It's a very good thing I didn't do it for the men, but for myself...
Ok, wrong, the ex who popped in this afternoon told me I looked...different. Being a woman I pushed it asking "good different or bad different?". Of course good different. But still. It would have been nice to hear from at least one person I looked good.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Theory III
The men who work picking chilli have trouble holding their penises when they have to go to the toilet. One would assume it is because the chilli is so hot (and if you ever cooked with them you'd know). Therefore they put a string through the skin of the penis, so that they can haul it out when necessary, without using the chilli-powdered fingers.
True? No clue...
PS. Pic taken from Heute, one of the daily free newspapers.
Every six months we have collection of clothes here in Zürich. Which means that you get a plastic bag (two actually, one for clothes and one for shoes) in your mailbox. On it, it is printed the date for collection. Very neat.
Six months ago I was giving away two full plastic sacks. And still my closets were packed. So this time I was more relentless. Out with the shirts from the 80's (the few ones left with shoulderpads...ouch), the sweaters I haven't used in xx years, the skirt I wouldn't be seen dead in and so forth.
I am sure there are still stuff in there which I haven't used for ages, but at least I made some space for more shopping. The new and slimmer me :)
Every day in the newspapers you can read about somebody killing somebody else. And surprisingly often the family or people surrounding the killer says "He wasn't the type to kill a spider".
Personally I think that killing spiders is healthy. I do it as soon as I see one. On the other hand I would never kill a person. Food for thought, isn't it?
Nightly sms
When I switched on my mobile this morning I had an sms sent 3.24 last night with the question "Where are you?". Yes, what are the options? Ok, so I could've been out but still. The most likely scenario turned out to be the answer. IN FUCKING BED SLEEPING!
For the past three weeks a friendgirl and I have been talking (not literally but emailwise) about me calling her. Reason for not happening yet is 10 friggin hours of time difference (I yet have to figure out whether it'll be 9 or 11 hours tomorrow :). Every time I think about it and have time she's asleep, or I'm sure vice versa.
Sent her an sms an hour ago to ask "are you awake?". No answer so I guess she wasn't, alternatively having her mobile switched off (inexcusable :).
Why do friends have to move to the other side of the world, what is wrong with Europe? Alternatively the US if you must move at all.
A pretty funny word on today. This one I think is impossible to not understand.
Somehow I think hell will have to freeze over before he gets that I'm fishing :)
Can someone explain to me why it is that when women cook for let's say 5 people the kitchen is still reasonbly clean (since we put away used pots and stuff while we're cooking) and when a man does the same the kitchen resembles a war zone?
I have seen this now so many times, I'm starting to believe it's in the genes. Or is it just that women are so much more practical? gorgeous
That's me people. Have been to my very lovely hairdresser, who is extremely thorough and a bit slow. But the result is great.
5 more kg's have to go, some new hot clothes and shoes, and then...then I'm gorgeous :)
The world's longest tunnel
Even though it will shorten the time to Milan from Zürich, I bet I will miss the view...
I don't know why but this sounds in my ears as THE most German name. Which I don't much like I must admit. Think I'd even go as far as never dating a man named Helmut.
Funny that to have a hang-up about a name. What is your idea of the ugliest name ever?
There are lotsa cows in this country. Very often ze Swiss put cows on display (not necessarily live ones but plastic or similar) like they invented them. One can only assume it's because they make cheese in abundance.
Have you seen the movie "Dinner for one"? You know the one where the waiter trips over the head of a polar bear skin. The other day I had a thought. I wonder if you can buy a cow skin including the head? Wouldn't that be the coolest accessory to have in the living room?
Was out the other evening. Usually when I go out I leave my handbag at home. Easy just to stash some money, bus card and lipgloss in the trouser pockets (yes, it's more difficult in the summer with a skirt for example) but this time I did.
Then had to go to the toilet. Coming back a friendgirl says "do you by any chance have a pen in your back pocket?". Yes actually I did. But why the heck was she doing staring at my ass?
Well, since she noted I have lost some weight, I suppose I have to forgive her :)...but must say I rather have a man staring at me than a hetero woman...
Friday, March 23, 2007
On Sunday it's time to change the clocks again. Forward 1 hour. Considering the weather here in Zürich right now, it feels very strange to think of summer time...
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I have an unreliable friendgirl. I know, it sounds like an oxymoron that a girl could be unreliable but I put it down to her youth :)
Anyway, many times we have agreed to go out when I get an sms like half an hour before we're supposed to meet that she cannot make it. Doesn't want to, too tired, or elsewhere busy. It has happened many times.
So since we had a lose agreement to meet up tonight I sent her an email saying something like are we meeting this evening? Yes apparently. She's even booked a table for several people but forgot to tell me. Perhaps she just assumed I'd be there :)??
Gosh, I'm feeling predictable...
Za zwanzk
For all of you out there not familiar with Züri-dütch (meaning basically the whole worlds population, except for the odd Swiss living in Zürich:) this means 2.20. Yes I know, sounds more Polish or Russian than anything else.
Was buying Ricola today. The old Ricola (not the new one in the bigger box, but my favourite one, the smaller softer ones). Started to count up coins to pay for it. Had given her around 2.50 and was still finding small change in my wallet when she said, "but this is enough" (but in Swiss German of course). She continued: "za zwanzk", like I was THE most stupid foreigner. Ok for foreigner, but stupid I am not. Turned the box around and showed her where a price tag said 2.80. "Oh", she said, "but that's wrong" and promptly ripped it off.
Now I ask you, who's the stupid one here?
Ze Germans love Knut
Ze Germans have fallen in love. In Knut. Cute Knut as they call him. Who is Knut? A polar bear. I rest my case.,1518,472937,00.html
I put my mood swings down to the hormones. Or possibly being a woman:)
Most of the time I feel like blogging more when I get feedback (i.e. comments). That spurs me to continue and come up with more stuff to blog about. The more comments the better, meaning sometimes quantity is better than quality.
Other times I feel like I wanna prove you wrong. Meaning when I do not get comments (or enough of them) I'm gonna blog more just to show you. A bit like a 3-year-old being obstinate!
Which basically means that the blog will continue, no matter what. But I would prefer WITH comments :)
Is it only me? I have now successfully managed to get rid of acne on my eyebrow and in my ass. Now I'm developing one in my ear. My hormones must be all over the friggin place.
Why can't I be just normal and have acne in common places? I'd like the answer to be because I'm not common, but that would be too easy, right?
Theory II
So yesterday I ate more food than I had in the previous 23 days, including 300 ml of Häagen-Dazs chocolate-chip. And this morning I felt thinner than ever (ok, not ever-ever, but since I started dieting). V weird.
Guess the trick now is not to give up, but to keep on eating these friggin veggies and less than normal. My only reason being the boat season really, since nobody ever complained about my body size. I do not ever and I mean EVER want to see that pic of myself in a bikini again!
PS. Friendgirl told me of a pic of herself she saw recently. She phoned around to her family and friends to ask them accusingly why they never told her she was fat. Yes, perhaps this is the thing? Maybe I need to hear I'm fat? Naaah, don't want to :)
It is very confusing with a language like German when it has two different meanings of the same word. I have always been told that German has so many variations of words (like English) so why would they have the same word meaning two completely different things?
Birne could mean a light bulb or a pear. Ok, so the shape is somewhat similar but still.
I know ze Germans would explain it by stating that you will understand by the context, but on a shopping list made by me, given to a friend, how would he/she know what to buy?
A cloud with a silver lining
The ONLY advantage of this cold weather (today 2°C) is that the white wine stays cold on the balcony and doesn't have to take up space in the fridge.
I HATE cold weather. I'm a summer girl (ok then woman if you insist). I wouldn't mind having summer all year around. If I didn't like Switzerland so much I would move, like I always said I would.
But then I think of my boat, the summer on Zürichsee, the picnics, the going out with friends, the dinners, the social activities and I am quite happy again. Last week I was walking around barefoot in my flat, nice and warm, summer sandals out. And then WHAM! Snow, cold and unpleasant.
If I thought it would help with praying, I friggin would get religious. But I guess it's just a waiting game...
Italian temperament
I have relatively new neighbours living under me. The couple from hell moved out, and in moved an Italian woman with a kid. Now, you know my attitude towards kids, but I gotta say with this family the kid is nothing compared to her Mum. More often than hearing the kid scream the Mum does.
On top of her lungs in Italian. I would assume to her kid, since they are the only ones living there. Unless she screams to herself, but what would be the point?
Got the papers back from the auditor with my tax return info. I thought we had agreed that I would go back there, look it over together with her and sign everything. Nope, she sent it in the post. I saw some minor errors, phoned up and the next day I had a new version in the mail.
Only, there were not as many papers to sign as in the first version. I seriously tried to go through it but ending up having no clue what to send and not to send. And where to sign.
Am going back there to sort it all out. Why is it that she thinks that I'm the expert on Swiss tax returns (gazillions of papers)? After all, that's why I hired her in the first place...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
One of my friends had a theory to why I seem to have stopped losing weight, despite following it rigidly. It goes like the body gets so used to surviving on less food, that you have to eat less and less in order to keep on losing. Therefore once in a while you should eat normally, so that the body gets the aha-experience and when you resume the diet you start losing again.
Am seriously thinking of trying that theory today. The Häagen-Dazs (chocolate chip) in my freezer is lonely :)
I will survive
Indeed! All my friends know my limited selection of cd's. They also know my extensive selection of dvd's, but that's another item.
This evening, friendgirl requested Tom Jones. Her boyfriend looked disgusted. But he complied. In a sorta "yes-this-is-what-I-have-to-put-up-with-if-I-want-to-keep-her" kinda way. More and more, I am approving of her choice...
PS. It was me who introduced them, so have gone from yes to no to yes. Maybe. Thing is, that I will always survive. And am beginning to think friendgirl will too. Whatever happens...
Funny tonight. Friendgirl was giving an insight to family life. "On my Mum's 50'th birthday my friend gave her flowers". At the same time she was looking at boyfriend. He squirmed a bit.
And so he should. Only somehow I have a feeling he's on a crash course. To learn how to be a good boyfriend. And I don't think he minds :)...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Lady and her Tramp
My planned dinner for one today hastily has turned into dinner for 5. Excellent! Love it when friends are flexible and do not have to be booked 5 weeks in advance, but rather 5 hours.
On the menu? Favourite dish of Lady and her Tramp :)
Reference letter
I have been asked to write a reference letter. Was thinking of writing something along the lines of: XX has worked as my assistant for 5 years. After 2 years she was able to take over the whole department so that I could leave for greener pastures and pursue my own career. Or as our boss phrased it. She was the one doing all the work while you did all the partying.
She has slight control-freak qualities, and left alone she will bury herself in work, sometimes forgetting there is a life to be led.
But somehow I don't this this'll fly :)...Will have to rephrase it slightly...
What the...
This is so not on.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Dr House strikes again
Comment from todays episode: "We can cure you of the disease, but we cannot cure you from being a bitch!". Soooo funny.
Finally got around to do a test on candles. Placed three of them in the freezer, and one not. Turned out that the one that had not been in the freezer burned out about half an hour before the other ones. Got friendgirl the opportunity to say "I told you so" (seemed to give her great pleasure :)
However. Yesterday I was burning four new candles down and realized that two of them burned down way before the other two. And all four of those had been in the freezer.
So much for science :)...yeah, ok, two tests may not make a full study. But it made me doubt this freezing candles theory!
I wonder if you get a hangover from cheap, bad wine only? We had quite a few glasses yesterday and I have felt fine the whole day.
Could it be that quality pays off?
Oslo girl
Oslo girl has really changed. From being an introvert, closed Nordic woman she has become an open friendly and pleasant person. Who just left. Left me to think whether I had something to do with the change. Or did she just grow up?
Oh dear, 3.30 in the morning I am getting too profound...;)...g'night...will be back tomorrow with something to say.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
3 friggin weeks
Just realized I have been on the diet for three weeks. In 21 days I haven't eaten potatoes, rice, pasta or white bread. No chocolate or sweets, no icecream. No cheese. Just a heck of a lot of vegetables, meat, fish, fruit etc.
I would've thought I'd lose more but I guess the body gets used to less food. Well, I don't know how much I lost but can feel it must be a few kilos, maybe 3-4. Not about to give up yet, even though I really crave something sweet! I now eat my own words, persistance :) at least I get to eat something!
So after cruising town this evening, I ended up in my usual place. Surprise (and those of you who are surprised now, raise a hand...thought so, nobody :). Anyway, was speaking to what I thought was a couple who ended up not to be. He was 6 days from being 40 (amazing what people tell you when you don't ask!) and she was 20. It's not like I had anything against the age difference, but they really were not a couple. She was spending most of the evening sms-ing her boyfriend.
Anyway, it was funny because for once I felt tall. She looked to me to be something like 1,55 but in a proud voice she told me she was 1,60. Really? Well, I'm 1,65 and usually feel short but this evening I looked down on somebody. Only her "friend" was 1,90 so tomorrow I think I will have neck-pain...
Yes I did go out this evening. Started with the Irish pub, which was so crowded it was impossible to even get in there. Green hats, green beer, probably also green people but I didn't stay long enough to explore.
Took a round in town. Popped into a pub and guess what? Ran into the ex. Yes I know that one of my readers think I mix too much with him. This is how it went this evening:
Me: "Hi, are we speaking?".
Him: "Yes".
Me: "I wanna tell you about my chili". So did.
Him: "Ok."
Me: "So you're not ready to apologize?"
Him: "No".
And that's about where the conversation ended. But I'd like to point out that he left before I did. Persistence people, that's my middle name :)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Optimist or pessimist?
Are you the type of person who is always an optimist, one who says that the glass is always half-full as supposed to half-empty? Or are you always expecting the worst, being negative and a pessimist?
I would like to think that I am an optimist. At least my glass never gets empty...
Saturday dilemma
Here goes again. Go out or not to go out, that is the question. Not entirely sure that was exactly how Shakespeare phrased his question, but similar enough :)
Wonder if he ever had this thought? Or perhaps it was always a party some 500 years ago...
Oslo girl is coming into town. Not only will it be nice to meet up tomorrow, but she always brings something from duty-free. This time it'll be cigs and mascara. There is some advantage living in a non-EU country. And coming to think of it, shouldn't she be able to bring double ration since Norway is also outside EU?
So went out this evening. Quite late actually, since French tv had three consecutive episodes of Desperate housewives (yes, they are after ze Swiss but since I haven't seen all of them I "had" to watch). Once out I ran into the South African guy (the one with a farm who isn't quite trustworthy) and ze Swiss guy (well, one of them :)...but this particular one never gives up. He always flirts and wants to sleep with me. Or not me in particular, but any woman really.
He's sweet but kinda desperate. My answer? "In your dreams baby".
Nevertheless, it was fun. And before I left I popped into an Irish pub (had some friends there too) since today is St Patricks Day to see if there was any action. It wasn't so I left. Bet in Ireland it is, since the Irish had Friday off. I guess just to prepare for Saturday which is the celebration of their saint. Also bet most Irish don't know why (I don't but then again I'm not Irish) but everybody welcomes a day off...
Friday, March 16, 2007
This is somebody who has it worse than I did. I haven't hiccuped since the marriage proposal :)
My visitor today included a real hausfrau. He's much better than I ever will be in the domestic department. Have a silver cake knife that was in much need of cleaning, and today I learned a new method. Put aluminium foil in the bottom of a bowl, place the silver item in need of cleaning on it, add salt and boiling water and voila you have a chemical process that will clean your item.
Only mine had not been cleaned in the last 25 years or so, so it'll need some extra polishing. But I saw the result clearly. Wow!
All in all, the diet has been going well so far but sure I have moments where I want to eat an elephant raw. So to speak.
Good one
A skinny little white guy goes into an elevator, looks up and sees this HUGE black guy standing next to him. The big guy sees the little guy staring at him, looks down and says: "7 feet tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch private, 3 pound left testicle, 3 pound right testicle, Turner Brown."
The white man faints and falls to the floor. The big guy kneels down and brings him to, shaking him. The big guy says, "What's wrong with you?" In a weak voice the little guy says, "What EXACTLY did you say to me?" The big dude says, "I saw your curious look and figured I'd just give you the answers to the questions everyone always asks me. I'm 7 feet tall, I weigh 350 pounds, I have a 20 inch private, my left testicle weighs 3 pounds, my right testicle weighs 3 pounds, and my name is Turner Brown."
The small guy says, "Turner Brown?!...Sweet Jesus, I thought you said......."Turn around".
Another sms
Yet another sms from a travelling friend. This time from Lissabon. Even though it sounds nice being away on holiday, I am quite happy staying here in Zürich. Especially when the weather is like today with blue sky and sunshine, approx 16°C. And it's Friday...
Was very nice. And the guests seemed to enjoy my cooking. One dish was VERY hot and the other one was not.
Well, one of the guests was this guy. Later in the evening we got to talk about diet, since I didn't eat the jasmin rice with the curry dish. He laughed and said "well, you're drinking wine". Yes, true. But the fact is that I actually lost weight which he noticed ("I just didn't say anything" - yeah, gee thanks). Why is it that men his age still haven't learned how to please a woman???
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Check out Quest's blog. He responded to ME!!!
Item: Five times a day.
So today is the day for curry. Except for I have to make one dish without curry. Having learned from last time, I have now also bought red peppers. Look forward to cook for my friends. Am sure it'll be a nice evening...and if guests permit there'll be pics later.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
PS. This particular lemur scared the shit outta me when I was sitting on the bench having a rest. BUMP! Didn't expect sharing with you exactly...but yes, you do have a nice tail...
Humping :)
Ze king?
Zürich zoo
Anyway, this was what we first saw. Flamingos. What's this with standing on one leg thingie? Looks SO uncomfortable...
Sleeping arrangement II
Mind you I slept very good (nothing to do with the hmmmpf glasses of wine I had I'm sure) and bro slept on the sofa the next night so not a bad deal huh?
Sleeping arrangement I
Monday, March 12, 2007
New York
This site is sometimes funny, not always but worth a go:
Remember I asked for input to my blog? Well, I got some. One was on the topic of how much time we spend on doing what we really want.
Thinking back on my life I have certainly spent much more time doing what I didn't really want, but then things like studying and working cannot be regarded as that I suppose. Especially since my working life has been fun. Ok, not ALL the time but mostly I have actually enjoyed it.
Must also say since I'm not married or have kids, that I have spent a lot of time doing things I enjoy. Out with friends, travelling, lately cooking occasionally (and enjoying it!), keeping in touch with people, blogging of course, learning (although this German thing is sometimes nicht so lustig :).
But all in all I am certain this friend has a point. We are most probably spending more time on "should's" rather than "would's" or "want-to's".
Unfortunately my "want-to's" are out of reach right now. Like that house in Spain. On the other hand I probably don't want it so much that I'm willing to do anything...
Ze Swiss are either having too much money, and/or a love for construction work. Probably both thinking about it.
Ever since I moved here there has been one dug up street after the other. Cranes everywhere. Blocked off roads. The last one is the river Limmat, which I noticed taking a stroll there with bro. They have more or less drained an arm of the river (ah gosh, does it stink!!) so that we now can enjoy the rusty bicycles, Migros trolleys and trash in general while walking along. Water is probably around 3 dm, and you can clearly see the bottom.
But it was indeed a bit funny to see the stairs that normally lead into the water at the swim place hanging in the air. About 3 meters above the water. Wouldn't suggest diving in now!
The good thing is they have built pillars in the water, creating a cafe/bar on a platform on the river itself. This is gonna be great in summer! And it's only about 10 min walk from my place. Cannot wait!
Wish I could say that I won 6 million, but I did win 6 CHF. Enough for pay for another round of lotto next week. I guess you should be happy for small things, but I'd actually prefer a minimum of at least 100 CHF. 6 francs is so little it will only buy a coffee at Starbucks or a crappy glass of wine.
DISAPPOINTED! To quote the funny guy in "A fish called Wanda".
And main thing, I feel healthy! But gosh, do I miss my Häagen-Dazs and my chocolate!!
It was great on the lake yesterday. Boat performed fine, and it was only a little bird-shit this time. Cruising on the lake with blue sky and sunshine is not bad, although it was a tad chilly in the wind I must admit. But it's beginning March so can only get better. Forecast this week says 15°C and sun. YESSSS! Spring is definitely here.
Also took a long walk yesterday. Which cannot hurt right? And must say slept very good last night. All that fresh air was exhausting :)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
According to the weather forecast (I know, these people should not be paid since it never seems to work out the way they predict) it'll be 13°C and sunshine. It better be, since I won't be seen sitting freezing in the boat.
And any bird in the vicinity of my boat will be shot. Must remember to bring my water pistol :)
12 to 1 ratio
Gosh, have I missed out. Bro is back and told me about the ratio of men to women in ze Alps. 12 men on one woman. What the f... am I doing in Zürich :) ??
Ring signal
Think I may have told you before, but I am still getting amused by my mobile phone signal. It's like a party kinda Oktober-fest signal. I have to smile every time my phone rings. Sometimes it doesn't take much :)
Challenge II
Ok, time for three more revelations. Look forward to yours!
4. I will never move back to my home country (I must be the worst patriot of all times :) I don't even like my country).
5. I am lazy. Have discovered this lately. I don't mind having nothing to do all day, in fact I enjoy it.
6. I have trust issues. Difficulty in trusting other people, because most of them seem to be not trustworthy when push comes to shove.
Now over to you people...
Was looking through my items on lose relationships and your comments. The conclusion seems to be that those who have tried it do not necessarily think it's bad, it just hasn't worked out in the long run. Other comments say that this is clearly not a good idea. Only it doesn't say if these people have tried it.
The one currently in such a relationship is all for it (not exactly surprising) and advocates an opinion that new types of relationships are acceptable and belongs in our time.
In the end I don't think we can control what we feel in our hearts. Logically it tells me that sharing a man will create jealousy, but I am certainly not the type to judge others.
And those who are lucky enough to find love...all I can say is ENJOY! And appreciate while it lasts, because in my opinion it never does...
Bro is coming back
So, bro is on his way here again. Managed to ski a whole week without breaking any bones. At our age you cannot be careful enough, so happy that he's in one piece.
Dinner shall be served already at six o'clock. Family recipe, pork fillet. Yum!
I may leave bro alone later with my library of movies (which I'm sure he wouldn't mind!) and take a trip into town...
Met up with a friendgirl a few days ago, and she immediately remarked on me looking slimmer! Love my lovely friends :)
This is much nicer to hear than "how's it going with your diet?" which I heard from somebody who saw me. What can I answer? If it doesn't show, not so good huh? Who needs enemies with "friends" like that?
Got a suggestion from a friendgirl, who think it'd be nice if all who comment would sign their comments. Naturally this is not mandatory :) but a signature so that others would recognize who is commenting. After all, most of you are my friends.
So, just a suggestion. In either case, I always look forward to comments.
And this sms I got this morning: "I dreamt that you were being chased by a man and I was being shot in the thigh". It is very hard to know what to answer to a message like that. I could have said "Oh, I'm sorry" but since I didn't really think it was my fault :)...I opted for "Did it hurt?".
This email I received today. They were common already in the 80's. Did they think that people never learn?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Got it
Just got an sms from Mumbai. Not entirely sure where that is, but think India. Have a feeling more sms's from "strange" countries will drop in during the next few weeks. Have friendgirl who's off to Asia today as a matter of fact, and she is under strict instruction to sms me from places I've never heard from. So that I get something to blog about :)
Read the other day that internet is about to run out of space. Imagine the horror! But I don't believe it for a second. There is always gonna be somebody who wants to finance the best communication tool in the world.
But I guess the press have to fight to survive these days, and make non-news into big news. Like they always have by the way. But I guess as long as somebody is buying it...
Diet continued
I then left the country and my ex-neighbour was asked to look after them. 7 years later she was moving (and so was I incidentally) and I got them back. But this time about 20 times bigger. They survived the trip in the back of a truck for a week or so, and ended up decorating my wall here in Zürich. Replanted in two big pots.
And they are still alive, but haven't been blooming yet. They are called porcelain flowers and have quite big and light pink flowers that are really smelly. When they bloom, which they haven't yet as said.
Anyway, I was worried so I took a leaf and put it in water. Waited about 2 months, at which time I could see tiny little roots growing. Planted it a couple of months ago, and voila, look now.
PS. Did look at my fingers, but they don't look green :)
Surviving against all odds
Went shopping. Normally I shop food about 1-2 times a week, and usually it costs around 50 CHF. This week however I have already been shopping twice. Partly because I'm expecting guests, and partly because I eat so much veggies and fruit these days that I ran out.
And today it cost over 100 CHF!! Ok, so I did stock up on chops (on sale) and bought some pork fillets (ordered by little bro, and to be prepared in accordance with family recipe on Saturday). Also some fish, since dinner this evening is by choice (only haven't gotten an answer yet, whether I'd have to cook fish or meat) and a little present for a friendgirl. But still.
No more shopping this week for me. After all, must have some funding for nights out in town :)...all about priorities!
International Women's Day
A flower for all women. I usually get a rose from a certain man every 8th March, lately since we live in separate countries electronically. But today...nothing. Yet.
The tradition started many years ago when we used to work together with a man from Romania. There apparently women are treated like queens. At least for one day a year :)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Was out with the ex yesterday. It's good to be with people who know you, so when I got the hiccups from drinking a very cold beer I managed to say "scare me!".
His answer? Marry me...
HAHAHA! Haven't had the hiccups since :)
More money
A stingy old lawyer who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness was determined to prove wrong the saying, "You can't take it with you."After much thought and consideration, the old ambulance-chaser finally figured out how to take at least some of his money with him when he died.
He instructed his wife to go to the bank and withdraw enough money to fill two pillow cases. He then directed her to take the bags of money to the attic and leave them directly above his bed.
His plan: When he passed away, he would reach out and grab the bags on his way to heaven. Several weeks after the funeral, the deceased lawyer's wife, up in the attic cleaning, came upon the two forgotten pillow cases stuffed with cash. "Oh, that darned old fool," she exclaimed. "I knew he should have had me put the money in the basement."
There was a man who had worked all of his life, had saved all of his money, and was a real miser when it came to his money. Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me."And so he got his wife to promise him with all of her heart that when he died, she would put all of the money in the casket with him. Well, he died.
He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, "Wait just a minute!"She had a box with her, she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down, and they rolled it away.
Her friend said, " I know you weren't fool enough to put all that money in there with your husband. "The loyal wife replied "Listen, I'm a Christian, I can't go back on my word. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him. "You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!!!!? "I sure did" said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account and wrote him a cheque. If he can cash it, he can spend it."
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Email chain
This is something that irritates the hell out of me. As soon as you answer an email, or get on somebody's email list, you receive chain emails for lack of a better word.
You know the ones where you get a few wisdom words, and then a request to send it to 10 of your friends. Otherwise you'll be fried in hell, won't have any luck ever in your life, or die soon. I hate these emails. And delete them promptly. Just because I don't like being threatened.
And seriously, does anybody believe in this crap? finally
When I closed my pants today I didn't have to breathe in!!! This is indeed good news. And about friggin time. All these veggies...yesterday I bought broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, beans, corn, asparagus, lettuce, radishes, tomato, cucumber, you name it, I bought it.
When you're on a diet, you have to be really creative with cooking!
Landlord called this evening. Remember the blind that was going to be replaced? That was going to take 10 days, and later when I asked 5 weeks? Anyway, tomorrow it's 6 weeks and I thought it'd be a good idea to ask again. Landlord is as appalled as I am, and told me he'd be changing supplier.
Last time he told me that those blinds are made in Germany, and they have to import them. So I dared to joke with him, saying "well, they are Germans after all". To which he replied "yes, maybe they'll deliver by bike".
Ok, so we don't have the same type of humour but still. Not bad for an almost 80 year-old!
Ok, time for a challenge for you readers. I'm here gonna tell you 3 weird/strange/funny things about myself. I expect you to share the same with me.
Here goes:
1. I don't know how many men I slept with.
2. I have lived in 9 cities.
3. I am unfortunately a fatalist.
Look forward to you sharing...
I have just realized an equal difficulty. You know when you say something like this is as difficult as that.
Let me tell you. Making big, juicy and round meatballs is as difficult as having a man taking the trash out. Equally.
Different reasons though. Big and juicy is no problem. The round is the problem. They (and I'm talking about the meatballs here) tend to splash out and become like tiny hamburgers. You really have be there all the time, turn them around, care for them, talk to them. And then maybe, you're lucky.
Well, I guess not so much different from having a man taking the bin out after all. You have to be there, talk to them, probably even beg them. And then maybe, you're lucky.
Men and meatballs...what's the difference again?
Ok, so it's been quiet on the blog for a day or so. But when I look at the stats in the morning and I see that only 4 readers have been on and no comments, I don't exactly try hard. But now I have a story for you.
Picture this: a woman lives with her Mum until she meets boyfriend. Moves in together with boyfriend. AND his parents. Ok, so it's a big house but still. And she has studies to finance.
Today it is 10 years later. 10 YEARS LATER! And they still live with boyfriends parents. In the same house. When I came to Switzerland I learned that it is common to use the formal Sie-adressing until you know people. This woman still have to do so with the boyfriends parents. After living 10 YEARS IN THE SAME HOUSE!
Now, I don't know about you, but isn't this taking it to the extreme? And if she's not gonna be home for dinner, which apparently is served 18.30 sharp every day, she has to tell them 1,5 hours in advance.
Is this a life? Well, I guess not everybody is the same but I feel sorry for her. She's otherwise an intelligent woman.
What do you think?
Sunday, March 04, 2007
My ears are growing and I'm about to develop a little fluffy tail. Not joking. The amount of veggies I've eaten the last week is gonna turn me into a friggin rabbit. The only difference I notice is that I have to pee a lot. All the time actually. If I don't wake up in the middle of the night I pee about 3 liters in the morning. "That's normal", my dieting friendgirl was telling me. NO! It's not friggin normal. It's abnormal. I didn't used to do this. Ergo not normal.
In one week I haven't eaten potatoes, rice, pasta, soft bread or anything fattening. Only friggin veggies and meat or fish. Fruit. Ham instead of cheese. Cucumber instead of chocolate. Carrots instead of sweets.
And I see no difference! Why on earth am I doing this?
Some start early
So the little boy got out of the car and ran away. We were shouting to him to come back, but of course he chose not to hear.
Until we said ok, let's leave. Let's go home. So we started to walk away from him, which is when he got anxious and decided it'd be a good idea to follow.
My thoughts were: gosh, don't they start early?
He is only 3, and thinks like a man already. Whenever you want to leave a man, they come after you. If you are after them first, they remain aloof and distant.
It must be in the genes...
It's funny when you're 1.65 m above water level like I am, and have to look down on people all day. It becomes kinda difficult to talk. Ok, so we didn't speak the same language, which may have something to do with it, but still. I can now say hola, corazon and frio for example. Not to mention cerveza, but of course I already knew that :)
But have to say, the boy was delightful. No crying the whole day. When he fell he just stood up, smiled and went on with his business. Quiet in the car. Friendly and open. I tell you, told the people that in 20 years I will flirt with him. Until I realized how old I'd be by then :)
Why does it always have to be a downside...
Unfortunately it doesn't show how beautiful it was on the pic. But trust me, it was.
Almost better than watching nature on Discovery channel :)
Still in Liechtenstein, we discussed how many people who lived there. I said perhaps around 100,000? I just couldn't grasp the fact of living in a place where there are less people. Turns out there are 33,987 July 2006 estimate (give or take I suppose). I wonder what it would be like to live in place where everybody knows each other?
But I guess with 1.3% unemployment rate, inflation of 1% and a GDP of gazillions, even I could be persuaded. Only I wouldn't be welcome, unless I marry a liechtensteiner. Which is not on my agenda :)
Ah well, money isn't everything. Or is it?
Was there in the late 80's last time. But think I confused it with San Marino, which is another little tiny so called country embedded in Italy.
Nevertheless it was great. Sitting on the top of a mountain, having lunch, drinking wine, watching the skiers do whatever they do (skiing?). And sitting was warm enough. Brilliant.
However, mostly Liechtenstein is known for their...hmm, shall we say... inviting attitude to foreign business. Lotsa companies are registered here. See photo.
On my way on a little outing to the mountains today, so will be quiet here on the blog during the day. Will bring my camera, so may be a few pics later on. Btw, sun is shining and it's 12°C. Spring is in the air...
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Bro was telling me about this guy who received a long letter from a woman. Full with feelings and stuff. Guy didn't know what to do, so he replied "ok".
Isn't that typical? Women pour their hearts out, and what do they get in return? An ok.
Men, I tell you. Such a joy at times, and such bastards at others...and they will never change. Because they don't think they have to....
Two comments on this issue: one is that the best thing to feel good about yourself is to stand next to a really fat person. Saw several this evening. Feel good.
Second is I spoke to my cousin. When I told him I was on a diet he proceeded to tell me about obese people in the US. I tried to cut in, saying "I'm not obese, just a little overweight" (or like Garfield so eloquently put it "I'm not overweight, just undertall").
But cousin is a man, so he didn't really get it. Which is when I thought "from cousins and drunks you hear the truth"...
E gate
When my brother arrived today he was unfortunate enough to land at an e-gate in Zürich airport. A couple of years ago they renovated (but with ze Swiss attention to detail they are still busy doing it). Anyway, when you land at an e-gate you have to take an automatic train to the terminal which takes about 3 minutes. I was unlucky enough to do this too many times.
Only today, apparently, ze Swiss have realized the importance of marketing. So they have put a screen with Heidi in the train, as well as cow-clocks on the speakers. Brilliant!
And it only took them about three years...there is hope yet :)
Friday, March 02, 2007
Fidelity - in or out?
Got a few comments on the "lose relationship" item. Is fidelity in or out? That is the question. And again, what are your thoughts on the issue. Please comment more and I will make a new item of the answers.
Out of ideas
HELP! I need assistance what to blog about. Feel like I'm running out of ideas for a change. Please email me anything, any topic you would like me to write about. ANYTHING :)
Little bro
This afternoon little bro comes visiting. Haven't seen him since my party in October, so will be nice. I've stocked up on food (for him obviously...I'm still dieting), all the things he likes.
Short visit though, since he's off tomorrow for a skiing holiday. Then he comes back for a couple of days next weekend.
Excellent timing also, since flatmate is off today for a skiing weekend.
Unlike friend who has 7 siblings I just have the one, so look forward to spoil him a bit.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Mr Gorgeous called me! Well, it was to follow-up on our meeting a couple of weeks ago, but still. His voice is SOOOOO sexy. It made my day I tell you :)
I bought some meat called "Schweins haxen". It's pig, but I had no idea how to make it. So googled up a recipe including beer, celery and onion. Apparently you cook this meat. It'll be very interesting to see how todays dinner will turn out...
Freedom of choice
Was asked by friend today to come on an outing on Sunday. "Let's drive to my hometown and see my brother". Yes, sounded like a brilliant idea. If it's not too early. It wasn't. Friend knows me :)
But I said, before we agree don't you wanna call your brother to ask if it's all right if we come on Sunday. Friend says "no worries, if he can't make it I have alternatives". I guess it's all right if you have 7 siblings :)
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