Monday, April 16, 2007


Went into town this afternoon. Since it's Sechseläuten the buses go according to a different timetable. It says so in small print on the very bottom of the timetable, but cunningly they don't tell you which particular timetable they do follow.

So got into town with the aim of going to the boat. Knew that Limmatquai was closed off so cleverly thought I go to Paradeplatz. No go. None of the trams went that way. So had to walk ALL the way. Decided for the route along the river. And imagine my surprise when I ran into three camels! Live ones, in the middle of Zürich city. I tell you, this city is cool. And unpredictable to say the least.

Somewhat delayed I did reach the boat. And had a fantastic trip on the lake. With my friend in underwear a la Brazil :)

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