Monday, April 09, 2007


After yesterday with all the food and not thinking one second about diet, I today had the punishment. In the morning (yeah ok, it wasn't exactly early) I had one Wasa Fibre with ham. In the afternoon I had the pork steak leftover, 2 slices, with broccoli and peas. That's all. If you don't count the wine :). Shared a Prosecco bottle with my gay friend. And only because he asked if it's good. Had to show him. Only talk is no good right? Action counts... AND I walked all the way into town. AND back. Do I get a price?


Anonymous said...


Check it on your scale whether you gain a price :-)))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

I have never owned a scale. Scary stuff. Prefer to guesstimate weight, so that I can be whatever I want :)

Anonymous said...


That's a big advantage in that case. Clever, Clever...:-)

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

I'm just blond, not stupid!