Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well, the beginning of the evening was very nice. This is a very open household. You walk in, and you're immediately at home. Everybody is welcome (even I!). And I hadn't seen these friends in quite a long time, so indeed very nice. It's a three-generation household so always lotsa people. It went like this: "Hi, good to see you". Hug. These people are hugging people, not the kiss-kiss-kiss. Great. "How are you?" genuinely caring that type of thing. And of course I asked how he was after the operation, at which time he almost took his t-shirt off "wanna see my scar?". Hmmm, not really. I mean, it's not like he has a sixpack exactly. We're talking something in the neighbourhood of 100 kg of solid man here. But it wasn't an option. I had to see his scar. And the other one too. Great. Well, I guess hiding things amongst friends is not good. Even though I could have actually lived without this one :)

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