Friday, April 13, 2007


Paraskavedekatriaphobia = fear of Friday the 13th. It's today! But I have no fear. Weather forecast says 24°C this afternoon, and I'm having lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a while. And it's Friday. Going out this evening. What can possibly go wrong?


Anonymous said...

excellent news! I hadn't realised it was Friday the 13th, but glad I found out now that works over so I can go home and make the most of this lucky day

Witchbitch said...

Go home blogging perhaps? I think your blog is about to die a slow death...

Anonymous said...

go home and spend friday night blogging? ha! unlikely, how sad!

Witchbitch said...

Gee thanks. What's wrong with blogging on Fridays? Or any day for that matter?

Anonymous said...

its not that there's anything wrong with blogging on a Friday or any other day, its just that after a long week at work, on a Friday evening, especially if it an occasion like Friday the 13th, I wanna get out of work and let my hair down, relax and have fun. sitting at home alone in front of my computer is no way to achieve this in my opinion