Thursday, April 12, 2007


It is weird the things you see sometimes. Today when we were coming back from flower shopping for the balcony and had to stop for red light I said to my friend "look, there are horses and a lama". And it was. Walking the street. As in asphalt street.

It's kinda weird to see ponies and a lama taking a stroll almost downtown Zürich. Well, it wasn't exactly downtown, it was where my Aussie friendgirl used to live before she decided that Australia is a better place to be.

Anyway, I was thinking about when you ask a person "what did you do today?". Ah well, "I was out walking my lama". Weird, but cool in a way.


Anonymous said...

it even sounds weird to me, the one who used to live near there (which btw is only 10 tram minutes to 'downtown' or the HB), until I remembered there is a little farm/zoo for kids up on the hill there. they often take the animals out walking.

Witchbitch said...

Aha, that's why. I had trouble understanding why you would walk your lama around that place. It's quite some distance from the Zürich zoo. But close to Denner :)