Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thank you

Another topic. I was brought up to say thank you. I give you an example, I host a lot of dinners. People come, eat, have fun and are thankful. But here in Switzerland it seems to be like that's it.

Where I come from you give feedback. If you were invited to an apero, a dinner, a housewarming party or whatever you come back within the next few days via sms, email or a phone call to say thank you.

That doesn't exist here in Switzerland, and I'm afraid I have been affected. I still try to, but I do not always do it. Cause if people don't do it to you, you end up not doing it back.

So it was very nice the other day when a friend called up just to say thank you for the lunch I hosted. He had no hidden agenda, just a thank you.

Mind you, he is 80, so perhaps that's your cue. Sometimes it was better in the old days.

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