Monday, March 02, 2015

Don't look up my arse

Here in Switzerland the health or sick business works like you have to pay an insurance. It costs an arm and a leg, and your house doctor is the first instance for any illness. Which is fine with me, unless it's something to do with your privates. Ok, I do have a gynecologist, but other than that it's my house doctor.

However, since about a year I have a little rear problem. And there is no way I'm gonna visit my GP and have him look up my ass. So I called a doctor, who was recommended to me, and told him I needed a removal, but got a no-go. I need a "recommendation" from my house doc.

Stuck within a rock and a hard place so to speak. There is no way I'm gonna get my house doc look at the "problem", and without a referral I'm not gonna get the procedure I need.

And for this I pay half a fortune every month. Not everything is good in the land of Switzerland.


Anonymous said...

Home remedies not working eh?
Can't you just go to a different GP for the referral if you are not comfortable with yours? I can go to any GP, or do you have one of those restrictive insurance models? Maybe you need to change the model (though they probably make you wait until the end of the year for that), or change your nominated house doctor.


Witchbitch said...

Yes, I can go to another doc, but they are not gonna do anything, other than give me a referral. Waste of money.

Anonymous said...

that depends on how much you think your comfort is worth

Witchbitch said...

I know! I'm just a bit cheap :) and may try another home remedy before caving in.