Thursday, March 05, 2015

Swiss XIII

I was told when having ze German test that I would be informed in writing about the results, but that it would take up to six weeks. It has now been almost seven weeks, and no report about the result. However, in the meantime I have received another request for information (which of course I had to pay for) and today an invitation for a personal interview. I therefore assume I passed the test, but a diploma or some sort of confirmation would've been nice.

As I understand it from the broschure they kindly attached, it's gonna be all about politics and how well I understand how things work in Switzerland. As well as my financial situation. Nothing about what I bring to the Swiss society, or how well I am integrated.

Not sure I think that knowing that the 'Regierungsrat' in Zürich has seven members, that the 'Parlament' in canton Zürich has 180 members and that the 'Gemeinderat' in the city of Zürich has 125 people representing the citizens is important, but if that's what they require, I shall study.

One step closer. I tell you, if I make it, it'll be a huge party including a lot of waving of Swiss flags.


Anonymous said...

ah, but your financial situation is what you bring to Swiss society ;).

but this is really progress, as far as I know once you have done the interview you are basically done (assuming you don't stuff it up). How exciting! Good luck


Witchbitch said...

Thanks for reminding me the possibility to stuff it up :(.

But thanks, and keep your fingers crossed!