Saturday, March 14, 2015


When I grew up we used to eat fish a lot, fresh fish from either lakes or more commonly from the sea. Several times a week fish was on the menu, and I loved it.

Still do. However, it is difficult to get fresh fish from Switzerland, which is landlocked. As far as I know it's only "Egli" - a small fish - which is local.

So I always try to see where the fish is imported from, when I do buy fish, which is maybe once a month, and I ignore those from other continents. However, fish comes from the sea and who knows where they originate from. It often says North Atlantic, which is not exactly close but what is the alternative? Never to eat fish?

I also think about fresh vs frozen. Today I tried a dish with frozen fish for the first time, and I honestly couldn't tell the difference from fresh. Talking to a friend about it, we thought that maybe frozen are even more fresh since they probably freeze it directly on the ship. However, one cannot be sure that "fresh" fish from the counter in the shop hasn't been frozen before.

Nevertheless, fish has to be transported a long way, either with trucks filled with ice or in a freezer. Not good for the environment.

But I still like fish, and hope that I make up for my lack of environmental care by being careful with other polluting stuff.

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