Sunday, April 01, 2007

Global warming

Lotsa talk about global warming and saving energy these days. Was thinking that I'm not so bad. For example I don't have a car, I use public transportation (and occasionally taxi's). I keep most of the heating off in my flat (except for when it's really really cold). I switch off lights when I'm not in the room (unlike some other people I know). When I pour a glass of tap water, I don't let it run for a minute to get it really cold (also unlike some other people). Next time I buy lamps I will buy energysaving dittos. Have initiated negotiations with landlord about a new (and energysaving) fridge. I know that my savings won't help the world, but if everybody did could make a difference! Other tips to help save energy are welcome.


Anonymous said...

'global warming'
our government is very big on giving tips for living better, hence in recent times we have received free guides on how to eat better, be more fit and of course on saving energy, eg:

always turn your appliances (e.g. TV) off at the switch or at the wall, ie dont leave them on standby, apparently leaving things on standby uses quite a lot of energy to do nothing.
PCs are particularly bad, and use energy even when they're off unless you turn the switch off at the plug.
buy rechargable batteries and a battery charger
In the shower get wet then turn off the water while you soap up. turn it back on to rinse.
buy food that was grown locally rather than trucked half-way across the world

Witchbitch said...

Ok, will better myself switching off tv for example.