Monday, July 01, 2013

Duck race

Once in a while there is a duck race taking place in Zürich. You buy a duck, not a live one, and it is put into the river racing some 10,000 other ducks. It's an event for charity, but it does attract a lot of visitors.

You can either have it sent to your place to paint it (best painted duck wins a price) or have the organizers put the duck in the water for the race if you cannot be there yourself. One duck costs 10 francs, which most people can afford. I'm planning on splashing out this year, and buying a pair of ducks, thus forking out 20 francs.

I'm thinking of naming them Zina and Zetti :).


Anonymous said...

ha, I'm not sure Zina and Zetti would appreciate being being put in the water and told to race!

Witchbitch said...

They do what I tell them to do. HA!

Anonymous said...

uh huh, thats not been my observation ;)