Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Dark matters

Gosh, I really don't know where the time goes. It flies apparently, and the blog has been sorely neglected the last few weeks.

I have worked with the oldies, I have taken up sports again after the winter where I was slightly lazy (and gained 2 kg's!), I have had dinner parties and been hanging with friends.

And yesterday I got a new flatmate, after the other one moved out last week. The new one seems very friendly and easygoing, and I hope we can develop a nice relationship.

Yesterday evening we talked and got to know each other a little. Turns out that our respective careers are extremely different, I hardly understood anything he was telling me, but it was something about finding dark matter (CERN-like) in the universe. Personally I enjoy sunshine more ;).

He brought me a very nice gift, guess where he comes from?

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