Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My dream man

Triggered by the friend who's looking for a woman made me think of what my dream man would be like. Something like this: 1. Sense of humor. Without humor I cannot live. 2. Same interests. I cannot be with somebody who is interested in uninteresting things like sport. If it doesn't interfere with dinners and conversations fine, but if it takes over I don't think so. 3. Kind to my friends. Experience has it that boyfriends who cannot accept and like my friends are not welcome in my life. At least not as boyfriends. 4. Attractive to me. A given. 5. Creative. I like to be surprised, overwhelmed, intrigued. Like coming home on a Monday evening and find the whole apartment lit up with candles, dinner made, and classic music on the cd player. Just an example. 6. Temperament. Since I happen to have one, I need somebody calm. Somebody who can tell me things are not so bad, it's not life-threatening, and certainly no need to shout. Who can just hug me and tell me things are going to be fine. I can go on forever here, but since nobody's perfect (what a nice cliche!) I will stop right here. And if I don't find him, I will be fine anyway (I will survive - me and Gloria Gaynor). To be perfectly honest, I'm not looking. I am kinda happy as I am. Don't think I'm the partner person in the long run. Having only managed 2 years. Mind you, I managed a lot of 2-years :)...which weren't bad. But I digress. So let's agree...let's be happy. Just the way we are!

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