Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wir dutzen

Ha! I am now on first-name basis with my formal architect. The trick is to play dumb, claiming I do not know when to use sie, Sie, Du, Ihnen etc etc. Which I actually do not need to play dumb for. I really do not know. Well, I do know most of the time but it's just too energy-draining to have to figure out which one it is, depending on this, that or the other. Anyway, I met my religious, formal family person who is my architect and despite not sharing any values in those areas we got along just fine. We could laugh together and I made my position clear as to what was expected from him. As a man he needs instructions. Downside is that he now has actually delivered, and it's my turn to provide input. 20 pages of German specifications of stuff for the flat to be gone through, understood and signed. And of course to be paid, since I have gone slightly (HAHAHA!) over budget already. If I had known how much work this new flat involves...I would've done it anyway. But not just now because it's Wednesday :)

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