Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Zürich kicked my ass

Remember that episode in Sex and the city when Carrie got her ass kicked by New York City? That's how I felt today.

First CG couldn't wait for me, while I finished a call so I was late into town. The match had already started. On the way to the fan-zone (long walk!) I decided to have a last strawberry marguerita before that particular stand closed down. It wasn't possible to order a small one. Half a liter was the name of the game. Ok.

It is kinda hard to finish half a liter of marguerita between Helmhaus and Bellevue (for you who don't live here it's one minute with the tram) and I figured there would be a problem to bring this glass into the fan-zone. Which is why I went to the exit and asked the guard. No probs he said, but they might ask you to put the drink into a plastic glass. Fine, I could live with losing 2 CHF which is what the glass cost.

Coming up to the body-search entrance I was told that not only wasn't I body-searched but I couldn't bring the drink into the area because it was ALCOHOL! Beer is apparently fine, they just pour the remains from a can into a plastic glass and in they go. But spirits! No go. And to top it off, seemingly the glass (plastic!) could be used as a weapon.

I just ask. When was the last time a xx-year-old Scandinavian woman caused ze Swiss crime statistics to go up? And does the pic look like a lethal weapon to you?


Anonymous said...

so does this picture mean you didnt actually go in then?
must say I am very glad not to be in Zurich for this

Witchbitch said...

No, I couldn't be arsed to argue with idiots so I left. Was in there last week, and there was nothing special anyway except for a mega-screen with boring football and drunken youngsters.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't have expected anything much else. blerk, football. That said I'm going to a game next week and quite looking forward to it - none of that pansy soccer type football though

Witchbitch said...

What then? Kangaroo-chasing? Outback-survival? Bungyjumping from Ayers Rock?

Anonymous said...

ha ha - I meant real football