Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My doctor

There are things I am not wild about in Switzerland, but overall it's a country of my taste. That's why I've chosen to stay here. One thing is the healthcare system. I come from a country where the healthcare is so called managed by the government. By experience I know that unless you're on your deathbed you won't get help anytime soon. A whole day waiting to get a minor injury like a broken arm tended to is no exception, or a hip replacement operation can take 2 years waiting time. Here when I call the doctor or a clinic if I need an x-ray or mammography, they ask when I would like to come. Usually I get an appointment the day after. When I needed an operation some years ago they went out of their way to get me a time like 2 weeks after I raised the question. Diagnosed, operated on and recovered within a month. And yes, it's privatized here and it cost a bit of money for the insurance, but hey, the taxes are low. If I were American I would say "god bless privatization" but since I'm not I'm just grateful that Switzerland is a sensible country. At least in some cases... PS. Just discovered that my house doctor has email and can now communicate the status of my blood pressure without having to actually go there. Next step is to skype with the doctor...

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