Monday, March 14, 2016

Swiss party!

So last Saturday was the party to celebrate my Swiss citizenship. It was a success if you ask me. My apartment is perfect for mingling, and even though many people had met each other before, I saw some who hadn't met before, and were deep in conversation. I just love to introduce people to each other, I should've made a career with it!

And it all went smoothly (even though the guy who promised to help me didn't!), with 24 guests. And for once I didn't cook too much, just enough. 84 meatballs went with the wind, two trays with beef tartar (brought by a friend) together with two trays of pastry with chilipaste and cheese were empty by the end of the evening. Peanuts were eaten. A large cheese plate left two tiny bites. Six loafs of bread and almost three cakes were consumed. The only thing left was half a bowl of tomato salad :). Too healthy I presume.

And today I recycled exactly 24 bottles of prosecco and wine. One bottle each on average, and considering some people drank a lot (probably including myself, I cannot remember :) there must've been a number of people driving and being careful with alcohol.

Only one mishap, and of course a child was involved. The 6-year-old wanted to try my spin bike and broke it! I think she probably pressed all the buttons at once and caused a shortage of the circuits. We noticed when smoke started to come out of the bike, and it started to smell burned rubber. The bike is now residing on my balcony (no way was I going to sleep with that hazard in the house), and I guess it's a goner.

Later a new tenant in the house joined, and it turned out that he's a guitar player. Good thing I kept my guitar, which I played when I was about 15 and got a top grade for in school. And before you mention it, yes it was a helluva long time ago!

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