Sunday, January 11, 2009


A downside when you try to get into a bikini in March is that you sorely miss the carbohydrates. Coming home after a night in town craving food is not quite the same as when you live a normal life. It's a matter of "jeez, I could eat a horse vs I shouldn't". Very difficult choice indeed. Or like Bro said, "well, you could wear a burkini". Haha. Not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still better than a mankini I reckon. Anyway lucky you're going to South Africa and not the tropics - I have just be researching possibilities for a little trip for us in Feb somewhere near the Whitsundays (tropical Australia) and found while there a load of beautiful beaches you can visit you basically need a burqini if you want to swim between nov and april because of the deadly jelly fish, sigh