Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So today I had lesson number umpteenth in what is needed to be chosen when buying a new apartment. The entrance door I've already chosen (medium break-in-safe) but the colour of the door on the outside will be chosen by the builder. Clever, since all doors should match. However, I was free to choose a colour of my own on the inside. Agreed to have the same colour as the builder as long as it was neutral greyish. There was talk about them choosing yellow (yuk!) and if so I will have the same white on the inside of my entrance door as on the other doors in the flat. The stairs outside the apartment will be grey stone with black and white spots in them, quite tasteful actually. The choice on walls was limited, but I chose the plain and elegant one. Much to my delight all the other 3 flats have chosen the other one, which had more of a farmer-feeling to me. White of course. I flatly refused to have any other colour on the walls, which they suggested. No way. No green, no blue, no pink, no brown, nothing other than white, white, white for me. If I want colour I have plenty of paintings. We also discussed doors on the closets (for jackets and other stuff, as well as Putz-Peters own closet). How big the doors should be, which way they will open, if I wanted hangers or shelves. We're talking details here. All doors in the apartment will be painted white, which means they can be repainted as supposed to the other sort which cannot. Meaning if damage is done to a door it can be repaired instead of having to buy a new one. Except for inside the closets, where it will be articificial material. Handles on doors was another topic (pointy-style like I've chosen for the bathrooms). Then there was thingies beneath the window, not quite sure but it wasn't like shelves where you can put flowers, it was mainly for something else. White that too, but artificial material which will not be damaged by water. The main issue though is that this freezing cold is putting the building work on hold. They cannot work without heating the house up, so the question is now whether they do just that or delay the project. Needless to say I opted for the heating, as if I had some influence! Keep your fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering of the cold weather would be affecting progress on your apartment. Does this mean the actual building is all up now if they are onto interiors?

Witchbitch said...

Yes building has been up since before the snow. You can see windows and my terrace. It's very exciting. And worrying that it is on hold.