Thursday, January 15, 2009


Yes, I decided to keep this blog as is. Not transform it, not change it, not end it, just to keep on going. I feel that I am not ready to share more than I already am, and I'm not willing to specialize the blog. Probably because I don't have anything that I am passionate about. Sounds sad, but that's the way it is. Well, apart from being really into my new flat, and to continue to love partying I don't really care enough to blog about only one thing. I hate fashion-blogs, techie-blogs, white-trash-blogs, food-blogs, garden-blogs and whatever-blogs. I don't want to be one of them. This blog is there for me first and foremost. When I have readers I am happy, and it's fun with the comments, but I write for me. To get things off my (rather big actually:) chest, to rant, to get anger off me, and in general share what I want. Ok with you?


Anonymous said...

agree on the specialised blog bit, seems a boring idea to me but I also am not that passionate about anything. I spose if you really know a lot about something people are interested in reading about then it could work. but for the likes of us regular folk I reckon the whatever you feel like writing about blog is much better.

Witchbitch said...

Ok then.

Anonymous said...


I found you while desperately seeking someone American in other words "Person with humor" and "fun to hang out with" in Zürich. I currently live in LA or maybe I don't. Actually, I grew up in Bern (yawn) and moved back to the States a year ago and now I'm sort of torn. It looks like I might be moving to Zürich very soon so maybe you can give me some advice on bars, shops, best place to look for a flat etc. And where to meet good looking Americans that smell like Irish Spring soap and know how to buy a woman a drink.

That's it for now. Thx in advance!

Ellie's Blog said...

Oh, I might need to give you my email...

Witchbitch said...

Hi Ellie, you can find my email under "View my complete profile" on the right.

But I'm afraid I won't be able to advise you on shops (hate it!) or these types of men. I am more the person who buys my own drinks.

On the other hand I am going out to bars quite a bit...