Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I really look down on people who cannot spell. I know this is dangerous to write when you have a blog, and I'm sure some picky people (hello Australia!) will be able to point me to countless spelling mistakes and grammatical errors that I've made, so in prophylactic defense I just wanna say that my blog is not written in my mother tongue. And can you tell I'm not good with criticism :)? At least not when directed to me. Anyway. For some reason I was thinking about when I applied for a job here in Switzerland I didn't want. Circumstances just demanded that I did. And of course my cv was perfect. It stated exactly my background, my experiences, the works. Except for one detail. I wrote that I had worked on a transition project with Nederlaandse Spoorwegen. Which was extremely embarrassing when the Dutch (!) interviewer pointed out that it is the Nederlandse Spoorwegen. I had an 'a' too much. And wasn't it friggin typical that the guy who interviewed me was from Holland?
PS. Pic shows gift from contract signing the NS deal. I like very much not having to receive another glass statue or something useless. This is cool!


Anonymous said...

would I do that? he he. I try very hard not to point out those little mistakes from non-native English speakers but yes I know I can be picky. It drives me bananas when people whose mother tongue is English can't spell properly. but then again I'm very good at typos so i probably shouldn't get so narky about it.
That is a cool present, I want one!

Witchbitch said...

Yes you would, but then again, how else would I learn? I need people to tell me what is wrong. At least sometimes...