Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trainer Todd

I am trying to get into my bikini in March, but I will never get as desperate as getting myself a private "trainer Todd" as one of my friends. After all, I'm not 20 anymore and it would be sad if I was a "good-looking" as one. That's one of the many benefits of getting older, you're not supposed to look so good anymore. You are not expected to. It is relaxing, because when you do make an effort you are richly rewarded. I cannot understand youngsters (or anybody for that matter) who spend loads of time making themselves "pretty". What's the point? You just raise expectations, and people are not looking to your personality, just at your looks. Your boobs, your butt, your face, your body. Why would anybody want that? It's beyond me. So even though I would like to lose a few kg's to feel better, I'm not going to bend over. It's me, take it or leave it babes.


Anonymous said...

but its all the same thing. you want to lose a few kilos to feel better, because then you'll be happier about the way you look in a bikini. For other people being toned by going to the gym (or Trainer Todd) makes them feel better or having nice clothes or their make-up or hair done makes them feel better. its not all about killing yourself, plenty of people actually enjoy getting exercise and being fit.

Witchbitch said...

I'd rather put my money towards clothes that make me look thinner though...

Anonymous said...

well, if you can find a bikini that makes you look thinner let me know where

Witchbitch said...

Back to burkini I suspect...