Thursday, April 26, 2012

Everything is relative

The more observant reader of the blog (haha, doubt there is anybody who has read everything I wrote since I started November 2005), has noticed that I do not have a label called "family". There is a reason for it. The reason is that my immediate family is very small. In fact, only one person in addition to myself. To the day 9 years ago my Mum passed away. And I don't think I exaggerate when I say part of me died with her. This is good and bad. No doubt, the bad things I don't even have to go into, one day you'll be there yourself, but the good thing is that you realize that not every little setback or negative thing in life is all that. If for example somebody tells you that they don't really like you, like the other day, it's ok. I can deal with that, especially since it is somebody I don't care about that much. It would be much more troublesome if it was a person really close to me. It is also helpful when it comes to little problems. Ok, so I sometimes get really upset momentarily if I don't feel I get treated correctly, but now I can put it into perspective, which wasn't always the case before. An example: I get a bank statement, saying they have deducted the equivalent of about 45 francs from my account for delivery services. Now, I got my credit card sent to me last year, thus no need for a delivery charge. I wrote a very nice message back, and the reply was that they made a mistake and would pay me back within 2-3 days. That was about 18 days ago. But see, I don't get upset about these little things, I write a nice message (ok, somewhat ironic/sarcastic) back stating the fact that I am still waiting for the reimbursement. I know, you cannot really compare death to bank statements, but it's how you react to various things in life. Some things are important, some are less so.

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