Sunday, April 15, 2012

Where is the trust?

I was going from friends in the outskirts of Zürich today to visit another city friend. Friend from first place gave me an alternative route (other than the one I had planned) and showed me exactly how to walk. It shortened the route with about 20 mins so I was up for it.

First friend went thru the route twice, like I didn't get it the first time. But ok he knows me, even though calling me "a goldfish on land" when it comes to sense of direction was a bit much I thought.

Then I arrived to city friends place early, and the first thing after I explained the shortened route was "and you found my place directly?".

Hmm. I might not be the best map-reader in the world, but I have actually lived in Zürich more than 9 years. Gimme a li'l bit of credit please!

The fact that I surprised myself is of no importance here.

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