Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Toothless but happy

I was at the dentists today to check up on the healing of my wound, after removing a tooth. I was sorely disappointed when another dentist showed up. He apologized saying the other one was busy, and would I mind him checking me up. Hard to refuse.

Anyway, he just stated what I already knew. The healing process have gone exactly according to plan, and I have had no problems whatsoever. Another check-up in a couple of weeks and I'm home free. With a big hole in my mouth. Actually I was surprised how big it actually is, considering it's just one tooth.

And then I got a nice surprise. My first and hunky dentist showed up just to see how the healing had gone, and to say hello. Omg, he's a 10 out of 10 of a man! Had a just been 10 (!) years younger I would have dragged him outta there, concession or not.

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