Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wildlife on a Sunday morning

Was out doing a vitaparcours round this morning (well, morning and morning, but still, most people greeted with a "morgen" so I guess it was). And I saw animals. First an older man on a wagon behind a horse. Why? Have no idea. Aren't you supposed to transport something if you go on an old-fashioned wagon drawn by a horse?

Then I was doing a light jog and saw a man with two leashes, and as I was glancing at the "dogs" my head kinda twitched and I looked again. You know the way it does when you expect something and it turns out to be something else, and it takes a split second to realize what you've actually seen. A man walking two goats on leashes. Wtf? Wish I would've had a camera with me.

After that I saw an ardenner horse, at least that's what I think it was. It could've been a shire, the biggest horse in the world, but I'm pretty sure it was just an ardenner. Big, bulky and with giant hooves walking majestically through the forest with a man on his back.

It made me remember when a friend and I were riding together on an ardenner, belonging to her grandfather. We were maybe 10 or 11 years old, and were riding bareback. No helmets or any safety equipment. Those were the days. But then the horse felt it was tired of two little flies on his back and decided that going back to the stables was the name of the game. So he galloped back, and the two of us, probably weighing about 10% of what he did, together, had no chance.

But we weren't hurt physically, but I guess our pride took a hit.

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