Monday, November 30, 2015

Smelly rider

I was riding again today, and I've come so far that I know instinctively what I'm doing wrong. But to correct it, is another matter. A lot of it has to do with my fitness level, I don't have enough strength and endurance. And before you comment, I know, I need to reduce my smoking. It's something that's been on my mind for a long time, and I will do my best, beginning next year.

Nevertheless, I still enjoy it, riding i.e.. And when it's going ok I feel it. The teachers are almost always on about what to improve, and very seldom saying anything positive, but that's ok. That's their job. And thanks to them I do better.

Another thing, when I go riding in the morning I don't shower before, no point, since I'm sweating a lot, but when I go back home on the bus I feel myself stinking, both from the stables and from body odour, so I try to stay away from people. Maybe it's only me, 'cause nobody ever complained or even looked at me, but I don't wanna annoy people.

And I was thinking, if I reduce smoking which is getting to be more and more expensive, I could invest more money in my riding. I don't think anybody would vote against that!


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club of non smokers :-) A

Witchbitch said...

Hey slow down, I said trying to reduce, not quit!