Thursday, September 10, 2009

Busy life

Wednesday 09.09.2009 Still no internet access, but we’re closing in. Telephone now working so a technician is coming in the morning I’m told. But it’s been less irritating being without internet than I thought. Just have been too busy. Monday was the rock pub in Zug. Brought an American with me, and he was asking me before “is it the type of rock my son listens to?”. I took one look at him and assured him that I only listen to good music. We had good fun. Yesterday was an apero with a large bunch of people at Aqua, the place by the lake that is semi-posh and not my favourite, but what can one do when it’s free food and drinks? Then I took an American and an English with me, fled the party and persuaded them that a visit to my place was a good idea. Indeed it was with the American standing on a chair singing along. Ended up showing them my fabulous flat, and they were duly impressed. They probably didn’t dare not to. Tonight I gave the chief analyst at one of the biggest Scandinavian banks my view of Swiss economy. I do expect to see my analysis in their next newsletter. Free food and drinks again. Very good for my private finances, since the flat buy kinda left me a bit on the red side in my bank statements.

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