Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I am a hate object

As I can remember it happened twice in my earlier life that I was told I wasn't liked. Once was back in my early career, when the girls in the office took a dislike to me, since I thought it was more important to answer the phone in the reception during lunchtime, rather than talking about baking and knitting. Stupid me thought it could be a customer. Second time was later in my career when my boss told me everybody hated me. I think it might have had something to do with me going to his boss, asking for more challenges and given an opportunity to work abroad. Outside the reach of the jealous manager. Third time was yesterday. I was told I put people down, and that I am an unhappy person. I was also informed that my blog is negative about others, and all about people who did me wrong. I went back to read some of the items I wrote (which I very rarely do, since once I've written about it, it's out of my mind), and have to say I don't agree. First of all, it would be very boring to only write about everything that is good and happy, second of all, no life is all fantastic. There are always things to dislike and that upsets you. And why wouldn't I write about it? It's my blog and your prerogative to read it. It made me think of the old days, when people used to live closer together and in crowds. Back then you knew everything about everybody else, their weaknesses and strengths, their most private habits and still, nobody said anything. People were respected for who they were, and forgiven for what they weren't. Nobody losing face, and a life in harmony. That was of course before all the self-help books and therapists... PS. Sorry for the lack of paragraphs, blogspot has updated to a "better" version.


Olzer said...

Here here Annika! And people describing you as an unhappy person.......are they nuts!!!??? They obviously do not know you very well. As you said, life is about all the positive and the negative....and sometimes the negative, if voiced in a constructive way is good, as it can help understand a problem, understand why something is negative and as a byproduct, help turn the negative into positive. This you do. I like people who talk about life not in the rosy Hollywood way where everything is perfect and nothing bad ever boring!This is YOUR blog.....and if by reading your blog, it provokes thoughts, opinions, discussions....excellent. It is not anyone elses right to tell you what you should write... Keep doing your blog just the way you do it is fab. If anyone else has a problem....then it is THEIR problem. Hugs

Anonymous said...

You speak your mind and I have a lot of respect for that. As you said it, it is your blog, your entries, your thoughts, and your prerogative to write whatever you feel like it and no one is forcing anyone to read it. PS:love the tail under the there really a cat at the window?. Steph xxx

Witchbitch said...

Thanks guys. Had a talk today with a good friend about this, and her opinion is the same as yours.

My blog, my thoughts, take it or leave it.

And yes, it's Zetti's tail you see under the curtain ;).