Saturday, April 28, 2012

My bucket list


Anonymous said...

Is this your way of saying you've already achieved everything you want to in life?

so, I've finally had a chance to read the blog after so long, but sorry no other comments, took too long just to read it ;)!

Witchbitch said...

Yes, you got it. And welcome back!

Anonymous said...

well, congratulations!! I'll take it to mean you're very content in your life and acheivements which is a pretty enviable position to be in.

But isn't there always more new things to want to see, learn, experience etc, isnt that what makes life?

Witchbitch said...

Yes ok, I'm not ready to hang up my hat just yet, but I mean I am happy with the life I have. My cats, my flat, my boat, my friends.

Happy waking up on a clear day and see the snow-clad mountains through my windows, happy I don't have to travel anymore, happy to learn new things should they come my way.

In short, content with my life.