Thursday, May 22, 2008

An accident seldom comes alone

Headline in proper English...for the Americans it is 'Bad things happens in 3's' according to my sources. Anyway. My aunt has a safe. For this safe she has one key, cleverly hidden in a shoe in the wardrobe. But you know how it is with old people. They save things. Well, my aunt decided it would be a good idea to throw away some old stuff, so she collected said stuff, drove to the garbage pick-up place and dumped. Then of course she remembered that the key was inside the shoe she had just deposited. Oh dear. After a few calls she was told when they were to pick up the trash. Dutifully she waited for about an hour, then they arrived, she told them the problem, and then begun the search. Told her she must've looked like a homeless person looking for food, but after some time the key was actually found inside a garbage bag. Fair play to her. The next incident happened a few days after when she was backing out of the garage, and straight into the garage door. "One of my grandchildren had parked the car, and as I always park with the wheels straight I didn't realize he hadn't done the same". Bang. Garage door broken. Third time lucky the next day when one of her glasses fell out of her spectacles. She had to drive to the optician only seeing with one eye. Ironic, ain't it? Who says old people's lives aren't rockin'?

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