Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today I got a letter from the Stadtpolizei. There will be increased police presence at the place I have my boat, which is more or less in the middle of all the happenings during this friggin football thingie. Even in the night. That is very comforting. Meaning if they trash my boat, I will just refer to the police not doing their job properly and cash in on the insurance. Mind you, I'd like to keep my boat intact. And I got a few points to remember according to their letter: Like don't leave valuables on the boat (well, actually the boat is the valuable thing you morons) Lock any doors (duh, I do every time but the lock can be picked by a 6-year-old so I don't think that will keep anybody out) Check on the boat regularly (I try, but be my guest to try and make the fuckin' pigeons stay out of my ship) Dock the boat properly (yeah, I do every time even under influence :). So think all will be fine. There will be a "VIP-floss" in the beginning of the lake, which ze German in my house means is a floating devide and I interprete to be a flossing place for very important people. Perhaps pretty woman will visit?

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