Saturday, May 03, 2008


Finally summer has arrived and I will so be on the boat tomorrow. Cruising the lake. People-watching. Trying to stay away from the ferries. Radio Zürichsee on loud volume, perhaps a glass of wine, maybe a book, working on my tan. And frankly, I could use some colour. White sheet-like is not sexy.


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ. aint nothing wrong with white skin. White is beautiful I say, especially when the alternative is skin cancer or that icky orange hue of fake tan (for those of us whose skin just wont tan of its own accord)

Witchbitch said...

Nothing wrong at all with white skin. On other people. I definitely look better with a bit of a tan. Maybe it's something to do with blonde hair, but I both look and feel healthier after a few days in the sun.