Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bathroom add-ons

Went to see the bathroom woman again today. And this time she couldn't stop talking. Don't think she realizes the effort it takes to discuss and negotiate in German. She wanted us to have a ciggie, a drink and do small-talk after. Phew. I tell ya. I would have chosen orange tiles just to get out of it. But gotta say, the woman does know what she's talking about so we have now agreed on toilet paper holders, soap containers and taps. Plus we went through all the choices I did last time. Ah, it's soooo cool. The shower panel, the wash basins and whatever it was I chose. Yes toilets. They are going to be standard. But did you know that they are supposed to be 40 cm above floor level? To me they looked pretty low, and I'm not exactly a tall person. So she recommended that I have the architect put them 41 cm above floor level. Maybe 41,5. Definitely not 43. Who would've known? How often do you go around thinking about your toilet?

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