Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Honest blue eyes

That's what I have. Only since I was about 15 and had to wear really awful glasses (oh gad the fashion in those days...I shrink just thinking about it!) I have slightly near-sighted blue eyes. After many years with contact lenses I decided not to take it anymore. Which is why I had an operation. Laser! Imagine that. Having a laser beam slicing your retina flat was not exactly a pleasant experience. It involved a cream that made me feel nothing at the time, and half an hour later scream in agony. Morphine didn't help much, and trust me, I tried. I DEMANDED. I begged. I cried for days. Mind you, not because of the pain, but the eye itself wouldn't stop rinning. And I walked around with sunglasses, which in Oslo (where I lived at the time) wasn't a cool thing to do at eleven in the evening. In a bar. They thought I was playing cool. Playing, huh? I was cool. But not because of the glasses. Anyway, where I wanted to get to with this posting was that I now have glasses only for long-distance purposes. Reading, blogging and looking people in the eye (from short-distance obviously) is fine. Only, I don't look so cool anymore browsing. Yes, it is about 9 years ago since the operation, but I'm thinking (almost seriously) to do it again. Only I remember the excruciating pain and I was hoping that age would reverse the nearsightedness. Doesn't old people need reading glasses? Guess the good news is I'm not old enough. Yet...


Anonymous said...

'honest blue eyes'
well maybe it wont be so bad. I think the technology has progressed a lot in the last years. I know several people who've had it done lately and said they had no pain at all, no dark glasses. I'm thinking about it too - but the idea that you need it again after 9 years is kinda off-putting (that and the idea of someone slicing something in my eye)

Witchbitch said...

Everybodys eyes are different, so no guarantee for 9 years. Might be longer, might be shorter.

Think it'll have to be worse before I operate again.