Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sailing through

Boat sailed through the "Prüfung" (test) if you'll excuse the pun. Not that it's a sailing boat. Far from actually. Mine is a cruise-and-party-boat. I don't understand these sailors, they don't seem to know where they're going. And when for that matter. Anyway. Got a bit of a shock when getting to the boat today though. Not only had the person from the company doing the test-thingie forgotten to close up the boat properly (birds had gotten in and shat again) but also left the bill in the boat. 3,200 something swissies. Fukkin hell! Until I realized it was the bill I left there for the renovation done last year. Phew! Mind you, I haven't gotten their bill yet. But not having to do any sort of "Prüfung" again in 3 years might be worth it...

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