Friday, August 15, 2008

Swiss piece of shit

Got a comment on the blog which I choose to post as an item, since I don't know which item it belongs to. Comment: "SWISS PIECE OF SHIT!! It is not a surprised that the American would not have a drink with you! .... Lets see stay in my room or drink with a BORING LACK OF PERSONALITY UGLY BITCH!! I would choose the same. Get it right! there are a lot of Americans living in your boring country, who really don't give a shit about sharing anything with you! and who if by choice will not be here.... so before you go judging Americans on their weight,their proudness to be who they are, asked yourself one question, do they really give a FUCK about our boring culture or do they just tolerate it?? DUMB FUCK!!!!" HAHAHAHA. I cannot believe the reaction. It's hilarious. From now on you can call me "BORING LACK OF PERSONALITY UGLY BITCH!!". I'm flattered.


Anonymous said...

'swiss piece of '
he he he, so easily stirred so full of nonsense

Witchbitch said...

I know. All that energy for a total stranger. It's amazing.