Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bathroom and plan B

Tuesday 22.09.2009 18.32 Been chasing a big fluffy bathroom mat with matching towels for a long time. I don’t know why I did, since I knew that Manor has what I wanted all along. So from today I am the proud owner of a rich yellow, thick mat with equally yellow towels. It just so turned out that the mat and one towel cost 99.80 CHF, and at purchases of 100 CHF you get a voucher worth 20 CHF. But of course the voucher isn’t valid until tomorrow so couldn’t use it, but fell for it anyway and bought an extra small towel for 6 CHF to get me over the limit. After all I have two bathrooms now. And normally I would’ve posted a pic here, but guess what? 1. I haven’t located the cables for the camera and mobile yet and 2. the friggin network is still not working. Plan B will now be executed. I am caving in and getting a network from Orange the next few days. From what I, the technical idiot, understand, you can get a usb-stick with a wireless network for 49 CHF a month. This way I at least get away from Swisscom, and can ditch my landline and only use Skype for phone calls.


viral said...

Nice to see a Zurich Blog. I just came to Zurich few months back and found this city really interesting. Also nice to read your blog in English when everything is in German around. :)

Anonymous said...

'plan b'
yay, thats exactly what we do, and I reckon we're spending much less money. and the great thing about the usb stick is that you can use it anywhere so if you're travelling, or feel liek a chaneg of scenery you dont have to pay again to be online

Witchbitch said...

Hi viral, welcome to the blog.

Hey B, check out item on plan C. Didn't work out with plan B.