Thursday, September 10, 2009


Wednesday 09.09.2009 There has been some progress on the flat too. The electrician has fixed the dimmers for the spotlights in the kitchen. The shower door has been installed I noticed when coming home today. They even put a tape strip over the door saying “Stop, do not use until 10.09.2009 12.00” in English. Very accommodating. In the meantime I have been using the guest bathroom shower and I must say it’s a treat. It’s a rainshower, adjustable in height, which I’m sure even the most critical guest will like…hello Norway! The blinds have arrived and are stored on the balcony. Hopefully they’ll be up before the weekend. Unfortunately there is no news on the balcony floor yet, but I have stressed that I really do need it for the party. 18th of September is when they promised, but considering it is imported from Italy I do not completely trust the Italians to deliver on time. I really do look forward to the weekend when I made no plans whatsoever, so that I can start enjoying my place. And on Friday a friend is coming over bringing wood, so we plan to inaugurate Venus, my fireplace. Only I did start browsing the net for a new dinner table, and it turns out I have to venture out to suburbia on Saturday to a place called “Wohnland” or something. End of a tram line which has a furniture center with at least four different stores. One of them really should have a granite table. Bro is worried it’ll be too much granite, but I think he should start to trust me. It’s the only type of table that will fit. But I might pace myself, and wait a bit. No need to have a perfect place at once. Waited 20 months for the flat, so I can wait another couple of months for a table. Patience is a virtue...


Anonymous said...

Rainshower sounds nice. I have a set of shower curtains byt the way, blank with yellow ducks on. You can have it as a moving-in-present if you like.

Witchbitch said...

Not sure the hanging methodology is the same in Switzerland and Norway, and I think I want to stay away from ducks...;). Bro wants blue in "his" bathroom. But thanks anyway.