Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So yesterday we finally managed to find the time to put the whiteboard up in the entrance of the house. I used to have it in my old flat, but it doesn't really fit in the new one and I thought it was better it came to use somewhere else. Neighbour with drill and me assisting, and it looked perfect. Thought I'd write something so that people noticed it was up. Like "Finally up! Welcome!". So did. Today coming home I thought I'd take it off. No fun with messages that are there more than a day. Hmmm, it didn't come off easily. Permanent marker! Oops. How did I not notice that yesterday? Well, resourceful as I am I went and got acetone and voila, off it went. Soon I will celebrate with appliance guy who is on his way with my new fancy blender. Hurray!

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