Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Police action

Tomorrow we in my new house have booked a police advisory session. The excellent police in Zürich offers free advice to house owners to prevent crimes like break-ins. Tonight I came home from the wine fair about 21.30. About an hour later neighbours came home, finding their home in a mess. Paper on the floor, clothes all over the place like they (he?) had been in a hurry finding things to steal. They lost 250 euros but the laptop was still there, and there were break-in marks on a bedroom window and from the inside when they tried to get out through the balcony, apparently in a hurry. Perhaps it was I coming home scaring them off? It is really unusual that all four flats are empty, but when I came home this evening it was dark everywhere and had been so since 18.30 this evening according to the other neighbours. The police was quickly here and secured the crime scene, just like in CSI. Now they are waiting for the technician to arrive to go dusting for fingerprints or whatever they do. In other circumstances it would've been exciting, but when it's my friends who are the victims and I live really close it is not. The irony of having the session booked for tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

what bad luck - your poor neighbours. sounds like you need more secure windows. our place has bars on ours which I dont like 'cos they're ugly, but hopefully no one's getting in.

Anonymous said...

How awfull, Zurich alway feels so safe. Have you thought about installing an alarm maybe?

Witchbitch said...

The police assured me I have the safest windows and balcony doors possible. Thought about an alarm, but do not want to feel I live in a gated community. And they didn't get in!