Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Once a month there is carton day, i.e. Zürich city people come to pick up carton for free. You place it outside the house and they remove it. Excellent service! So today I placed my empty carton boxes outside the house along the wall as always. Coming home this evening some idiot had parked his car (I know who he is!) blocking the carton and even parking one wheel on top of one of my cartons. What kind of person does this? Now I'm finding out whether he pays for the parking space or not, but nevertheless, what idiot does this?


Anonymous said...

maybe he was thinking what kind of idiot puts their cardboard boxes blocking my parking space ;)

we are also having a recycling war with our neighbours at the moment, some of them keep filling up the recycling bin (for cardboard, glass, and PET) with regular rubbish which means there's never any space to put our real recyclables in. very annoying

Witchbitch said...

It's actually just a space along the wall, and we've always put the cardboard there. If it turns out he pays for the space, I will just move it next time, if not, I shall talk to him.