Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old acquaintances

Just went thru my phone book and deleted people I haven't been in touch with for a long time. I do this sometimes, but people I do know quite well get to stay until it's been too long a time. Today I found this name from waaaay back and by impulse I sent an sms saying something like "are you still alive?". 5 mins later I got an answer "was just thinking about you, when in the Copenhagen airport". Right! That's extremely likely. Do I need to mention that he's in sales? Yes, I did live in Copenhagen. Some 8 years ago... PS. Then the sms'ing continued and he reminded me about a dinner we had. He came and picked me up on his motorcycle. We drove around the city being extremely cool. Then he cooked for me. I was sick as a dog at the time, lying on the sofa being served. Those were the times. It's funny what a Thursday can bring. Memories from almost 10 years ago. And I do remember that particular evening. And I didn't even sleep with him!

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