Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gourmet dinner

I know these two couples. They have never met, but they are so alike, so I thought I'd introduce them to each other. They will be just like hand in glove, I know it. Both couples are good friends of mine and I have eaten many a good dinner with them. But not in my place. Now I have invited them and I have to perform. Feeling a bit of anxiety must admit. As a get-together starter (apero) I thought I would offer small crispy bread thingies with different toppings like salmon&dill, bacon cheese&cucumber, brie cheese&parsley (if I'm lucky I have my own) and small little homemade meatballs. I know one of them love'm. Together with two different Rieslings that I got for my housewarming. For main I'm thinking entrecote, pork filet, wienerschnitzel or beef. Haven't decided yet. Potatoes cut in squares, grilled in the oven. Some veggies like carrots and peas. Perhaps a salad to go with. A selection of good red wine. As dessert I will have to rely on Sprüngli. Chocolate cake and coffee. A nice dessert wine. Yes, I think that'll do.

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