Sunday, April 25, 2010

I pulled it off!

Yessss! I did it! I managed to impress gourmet people about my cooking skills. I feel so relieved, and a tad proud too I must admit.
I slow-cooked this Irish beef. First I spiced it with salt, lemon pepper and a bit of the Thai chili my cleaning woman got me. Then I fried it in butter for 5 mins exactly (have a timer on my stove). Then I slow-cooked it in the oven in 80° for nearly 4 hours. The meat was perfect! Slightly pink in the middle and melted in your mouth.
The Valpolicella Classico Ripasso 2008 (second press of Amarone) was very much approved of too, as well as the Spanish Casco de la Cruz (Pedro Ximenez) that I served as dessert wine with the cake that my neighbour so kindly provided. I was planning on taking credit for baking that too, only the first two guests arrived early before the cake so that opportunity went out the window.
This evening proved what I've known most of my life. I am a very resourceful woman! And I did it all with wonderful friends!

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