Monday, April 12, 2010

Spread your legs

On the list of my least favourite things to do comes the visit to the gyn doc. Men can stop reading here, but women will recognize I'm sure. First you strip on top and the doc (yes, I'm smart and have a woman doctor who knows what's it's all about) feels your breasts. No lumps. V good. Then you are required to take off your pants including your underpants, making you feel silly standing there in socks, with only the sweater on. Up you go on the chair, unfolding your legs for all to see. At least that's how it feels. You keep your knees together to try to keep some dignity. Ain't working. Then she sticks some metal thingie up your, well you-know-what. It hurts. She pokes around and hums. To top off the humiliation she pulls out what looks like a very small penis and puts some lubrication on top of a condom, then sticks it up your pussy. Not the same feeling as with a man I can assure you. Then she pokes around again, somewhat painful. But the good news was that I didn't have a cyst, nothing was wrong with me. Which makes you think, why did I go through this? After you are let down on the floor you can dress behind a curtain, which is kinda unnessacary because she's already seen it all, so you end up wiping yourself getting rid of all the lubricant and gooey in plain sight. Charming. NOT!


Anonymous said...

I was always much perturbed about the way Swiss gyno exams went. Here they feel much less exposing, never top and bottom at the same time, you get to change behind the screen and get a 'modesty towel' to cover over your bits and make you feel less vulnerbale. I suppose it only means you cant see what they can see, but makes me feel more confortable

Witchbitch said...

Guess they are more to the point here, and fortunately she is rather quick. But it is not pleasant!