Saturday, April 03, 2010

Home sweet home

Back again after a 4-day trip to the North. Bloody cold in more than one respect. Got tired of hearing about my unintelligence for being a smoker and how my opinions are not treated with respect. If I sometimes think that ze Swiss are intolerant it's only because I've forgotten it's worse elsewhere! However, the service in the place I was staying was more than excellent! So not totally a wasted trip, even though it'll for sure be some time before I venture out of Zürich again. Also had an unfortunate encounter with a bird. Again!! Placed my crayfish box outside on the stairs in the cold, meaning to pack them just before I went. In this brief moment of time a friggin bird decided to hack it open! What is it birds have against me? But all is well that ends well. After wrapping and packing it carefully I made it home without any spill. Will enjoy this evening.

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