Thursday, September 01, 2011

2 year jubilee!

Can you believe it's 2 years ago to the day I moved into my new and still fabulous flat? Funnily enough, it feels like I lived here a small lifetime but still remember what it was like moving in, after waiting almost 2 years for the house to be built.

Happy days. So glad I chose to buy this particular flat, in this hood and with these neighbours (despite some flaws in taste here and there :).

And tonight I am invited (well, I gently suggested one might say) to one of the neighbours for dinner. I'm sure we'll talk a lot about the experience of buying and designing a flat.

Had I had the experience and wisdom (!) today I had when I was a teenager, I would have chosen another career path. One as architect or designer.

But better late than never I guess, even if I actually had to buy the place in order to get some influence.

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